Quantum Marketing : An Innovative Approach for New Marketing Arena

Quantum Marketing is the eventual fate of promoting. It is the absolute reexamination of showcasing and the biological system of promoting. Opening the commitment and force of promoting later on will require another sort of initiative and another feeling of direction for its central goal. Just organizations that can reboot their advertising mission, structure, procedure […]
Shoddy Leadership

By:- Parag Ray Are you a Leader ??? Do you lead a group of people ??? Or Do you lead a Team ??? What’s your Strategy then ??? See, all these questions we all should ask ourselves everyday. Mainly we are leading a team or a group of people. The basic reason behind it is […]
Corporate Craze : Not only WORDS, your WARDROBE also says…

By:- Parag Ray “Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life” The above quote by Bill Cunningham states that it can be difficult to articulate the power of style and fashion through words, but these icons managed to do so with quote-worthy, inspiring words of wisdom to live by. Just give a […]